ELP Assessment

ELP AssessmentLast Updated:  15th November 2022

An Effective License Position (ELP) is an industry standard approach to assessing compliance with software agreements and licenses. SAM for Snow Atlas (Snow) provides a very good view of compliance, but will not capture absolutely everything and present it in the compliance summary within the tool. No SAM tool is capable of this as there is too much 'grey' in licensing, and all customers use cases and scenarios are different.

The ELP process uses a combination of the trustworthy inventory data in Snow and business analysis by a skilled SAM and Licensing specialist to forensically build a complete picture of your organisations compliance position for a select software vendor, accounting for all those 'grey' areas.

For more than 20 years Data#3 have been delivering ELP services to customers around Australia across major Tier 1 software vendors. Our expert team have the skills and experience to help you achieve a proactive position of compliance to inform planning, or to support you with your next software audit. Contact us using the request a demonstration button on the right to enquire about this service.