User Linking

User LinkingLast Updated:  21st February 2023

Does your Microsoft 365 and/or Adobe subscription data look inaccurate in SAM for Snow Atlas (Snow)? Perhaps you have users that need linking. 

To get the most value out of features in Snow, users gathered from inventory sources and online Microsoft/Adobe portals must be linked. On-premises applications, such as Microsoft 365 Pro Plus and Project, or Visio Pro for Microsoft 365, can then be connected to the corresponding user and subscription plan. This is important to give you a complete picture of usage across both the online and local instances of Microsoft 365 applications. 

Data#3's certified Snow and SAM Specialists can work with you to link or remediate all unlinked users quickly and efficiently. This can be completed on-demand, or keep on top of new linkages using the App Management bundle or a continuous Technology Intelligence 360 service. 

To find out more about those services, check out the links in the Data#3 Resources box to the right, or watch the User Linking demo video below.